Covid Information

COVID-19 infections can be potentially more serious in patients with haemoglobinopathies and other long-term health conditions than for those who don’t.  For this reason, SPAH encourage patients to be vaccinated and get boosters when offered.

Further information can be found on the sources below.  If you have any specific questions or concerns, please discuss with your haematology team.

Treatment of COVID-19 in high risk groups

Patients who are at increased risk of complications of COVID-19 such as patients with sickle cell disease and some patients with thalassaemia are eligible for anti-viral treatment if they develop COVID.  If you have a positive test, you should visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Treatments | NHS inform website  and phone the number of your local health board to discuss treatment.  The numbers are listed at the bottom of the link.

Please visit the NHSinform website for up to date information.