Clinical Audit System

Logo. Smiling green and purple thistle with green capital letters spelling VINCYP

VINCYP Clinical Audit System

The VINCYP National Managed Clinical Network have an online database called the Clinical Audit System (CAS) within which we capture information about children and young people living with a visual impairment in Scotland.

The aim of capturing this information is to:

  • Map the number of children with a visual impairment in Scotland and use this information to improve services in local health board areas
  • Improve care, co-ordination, planning and services for children and young people with a visual impairment
  • Hold information that will help professionals who support families, to do this better
  • Provide data to Scottish Government on the prevalence of childhood visual impairment in Scotland

Once a Health Board has data on CAS they can then request bespoke reports from NHS National Services Scotland Information Management Services and gain access to that data.

What sort of information is collected?

The information we collect includes the child/young person’s basic demographic information (name, address, date of birth), their primary and other medical conditions relating to their visual impairment, the range of professionals involved in their care and the support they are receiving.

The VINCYP CAS Data Privacy Notice (2020) is available here.

How is patient confidentiality guaranteed?

All information will be handled in exactly the same way all NHS Boards handle all other patient information. The system is password protected and held on the NSS encrypted server with only health professionals directly involved with VINCYP having access to this data. The handling and management of data collected within the Clinical Audit System uphold the requirements stated within the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

Implementation & Training

Clinicians in the Hospital Eye Team or Specialist Paediatric Team in any area of Scotland are able to request training for their NHS Board by contacting NHS National Services Scotland Information Management Services, which are the team that looks after the CAS, at:

The links below will direct you to further information:

VINCYP CAS Data Sharing Consent Form (2020)