Minimum Detection Size Test

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This is a test of detection vision for children with very low vision or limited response. It is used for children when matching tests are not possible and is particularly useful for children with complex needs as to guide to the size of materials presented to a child. It gives a functional indication of near vision and relies on fixation.

It allows a consistent functional measurement of low vision no matter where a child is seen in Scotland.  A full description is included in the information sheet.

Tests have been distributed to eye clinic contacts in each Health Board and joint functional vision teams. Education services have been contacted and a test will be sent to each VI education service in Scotland on request.

If you require further tests for additional clinics or services please contact

There is no charge for these tests, as VINCYP has funded their production.

If tests are requested from services outwith Scotland then we are happy to supply these at a minimal charge of £25 plus postage.  Again, please contact for further information and payment details.