2018 Annual Study Day 2018.

Diagnosis and management of allergy in children and young people – what can we do in primary care
Dr Karen Barker – General Practitioner, Inverury

The skin barrier in allergy prevention and management
Prof Jonathan Hourihane – Chair of Paediatrics and Child Health, University College Cork

Q&A session Hosted by Dr Adrian Sie with Callum McGhie young person with food allergy and  Katrina McGhie Parent
Dr Adrian Sie – Consultant Paediatrician, NHS Lanarkshire

Progress in the diagnosis and management of peanut allergy 
Dr Gary Stiefel – Consultant in Paediatric Allergy, Leicester University Hospitals NHS Trust

An update on allergen immunotherapy
Dr Gillian Vance – Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Education, Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Allergy, Newcastle University