
Medications are a very important part of managing any kidney conditions.

We have a number of resources available to help both parents/families and professionals looking after children and young people with renal conditions.

Created by our renal pharmacist in Glasgow, Angela, this has proved to be an immensely helpful resource.

The booklet gives contact information regarding professionals in your local unit as well as listing cards for current medicines each child/young person is prescribed with information about the drug as well as dosing guidance. Any changes can be incorporated here.

If you do not have a medication booklet, please contact your local unit to provide this.

Drug information


Modigraf (Tacrolimus) is used as an immunosuppressant for renal transplant as well as in other conditions such as Nephrotic Syndrome.

Modigraf comes in sachets and is prescribed for those who cannot swallow the capsule preparations of Tacrolimus (Prograf/Advagraf).

Specific guidance is given to how to prepare Modigraf below.

Please note, as levels of Tacrolimus are monitored in bloods, the same method and means of administration should be used consistently as absorption will be different according to the route of administration, which may then affect levels and response to treatment.  – i.e. Modigraf should either be given orally or via nasogastric tube or gastrostomy only (not a combination of this).

Modigraf Preparation

Modigraf Preparation