Young Family Members

Young Carers

Young carers are those children and young people who live in families whom have an important caring role. For families with a child with exceptional healthcare needs a young carer would most likely their brother or their sister.

The role of the young carer will look different in different households. Their lives may be influenced by taking on carrying roles, the emotional impact of a sibling who has exceptional needs and the impact of time and attention from their parent(s). Being a young carer is much more than having a direct role in providing care.

These situations lead to many feelings and emotions. At times conflicting, with a mixture of positive and negative. It is important to discuss feelings, they are all ok, and exist because of the situation. This helps families look after each other better.

Young carers have said that they want to be recognised for their role in the family, be involved and when possible, have their opinions about future care planning and family life listened to.

Everyone tends to worry more about things that they don’t know, often imaging a situation far worse than a realistic one. This is especially true for children and younger people. Honest sensitive discussions help everyone.

What young carers say about their lives?

Young carers say that their caring role is rewarding, and they are proud of what they do. They want to feel valued and included. Being a Young Carer develops many skills.

However, although the caring role is positive, they need real understanding and support to help them be carers and flourish and grow as young people.

This support and understanding should be in all parts of their lives, friendships, schooling and from people caring for their sibling.

Schools have an important role and responsibility in offering support. Young Carers organisations work with schools and offer additional services. In Scotland, the Young Carers groups are independent but work together to share learning and resources.

Help and Support

The importance of the role of young carers with recognition of how their lives may be different was enshrined in legislation in the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. This legislation came into effect in 2018.

In law there are requirements for local authorities to provide additional resources and support for Young Carers. One of the requirements is a young carers statement.

The following are resources for younger members of the family who act as carers.  Please also see our Useful Links page for other organisations which can provide support and advice.