Mesothelioma Specialist Nurses – New Study – rethinking continuity in primary care for people with mesothelioma

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Dear Mesothelioma Clinical Nurse Specialists,


I am a PhD student attached to the Mesothelioma Research Centre at the University of Sheffield. I also work as a GP in Newcastle.

I am undertaking a research study to understand the experiences of patients with mesothelioma, their close persons and their healthcare professionals of continuity in primary care. Specifically, I wish to understand the effort it takes patients and their close persons to achieve their desired level of continuity with their GP and other primary care healthcare professionals.

The study is funded by Mesothelioma UK and sponsored by the University of Sheffield. It has received University ethical approval.

My plan is to conduct case studies of patient journeys through the healthcare system over a 1-year period. This will involve between 3-6 virtual interviews (by video or phone call) with up to 6 individuals with mesothelioma, their close persons and their healthcare professionals.

I aim to start recruiting patients (then with their consent; close persons and healthcare professionals involved with their care) from January 2023. I would be very grateful for your input with this, given your professional proximity to and supportive relationships with such patients.

Study information will also be advertised on the Mesothelioma UK website, in the magazine, via social media channels and circulated to patient participation groups and support groups associated with the charity. Interested people will be directed to my University of Sheffield email address and to the study webpage on the ‘Current research projects’ section of the Mesothelioma UK Research Centre website After they have made contact, I will respond by phone or by email (depending on their preference).

I have attached a copy of the study advert for patients that will be advertised on the Mesothelioma UK website; and a copy of the Participant Information Sheet written for healthcare professionals, so that you can get a more detailed sense of what would be required in case any of you are involved in the project as a participant through a patient’s involvement.

For context, after this phase of the study is complete, I will arrange stakeholder consultation workshops with patients, professionals and policy makers to discuss how the case study research findings could be used to improve continuity in primary care for people with mesothelioma, and to develop theory to underpin new guidance that will support patients and close persons to achieve their desired level of continuity.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me ( or my supervisors Dr Clare Gardiner (, Dr Steph Ejegi-Memeh ( or Dr Sarah Mitchell (

I very much look forward to working with you.

With best wishes,


