Holyrood ‘Action Mesothelioma Day’ debate – Thursday 30 June 2022

Posted by: NNs - Posted on:

A Holyrood debate on Action Mesothelioma Day is planned today.  The Parliament recognises that 1 July 2022 is Action Mesothelioma Day; notes that the action day aims to raise awareness of the disease, which it understands is caused by breathing in asbestos fibres; further understands that there are approximately 2,700 new mesothelioma cases in the UK every year, including over 200 in Scotland, which is the highest number in Europe, and that there are at least a further 2,000 cases of lung cancer that are likely to be caused by asbestos exposure; notes that the action day brings to light the extraordinary work of support groups across Scotland that continue to support people impacted by mesothelioma and their families, as well as doing work to remember those who have died as a result of mesothelioma; acknowledges the particular contribution of Clydebank Asbestos Group, as it approaches its 30th anniversary, which has provided information and support to people with asbestos-related conditions for decades; wishes Action Mesothelioma Day every success, and notes the view that there is a continued need for research into the management and treatment of this condition.

The debate can be live streamed on ‘Scottish Parliament TV’ from 1245-1330.  Please click on the link below for more details.

Parliament TV link