Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network


The SCBMDN brings together professionals from across Scotland to work in a coordinated manner to ensure the provision of high quality, efficient and equitable clinical biochemistry diagnostic services.

It was established to work across Health Board boundaries; acting as a conduit between the service and Scottish Government / central projects.

By facilitating and fostering cooperation between stakeholders, the SCBMDN aims to enable sharing of best practice, innovation and improvement. It sets out to achieve harmonisation where possible and provide a forum for the introduction and evaluation of new and developing concepts.

Annual Report

The Annual Report sets out the key achievements and challenges of the SCBMDN along with plans for the coming year.  The report is available here.

SCBMDN Five Year Workplan

The SCBMDN is committed to ensuring that there are improvements to clinical biochemistry diagnostic services both in the short and long term, and that these positively impact on patients.  The Network has coproduced a succinct Five Year Workplan which shares this longer term vision across all of our stakeholders.

Network Structure

The network is made up of a Steering Group and four Subgroups, as shown below:

Steering Group

Cancer Group

Data Group

Innovation Group

Workforce Group

The SCBMDN Management Team

Lead Clinician: Ian Godber (NHS Lanarkshire)


Scientific Manager: Janet Hogg (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde)

Programme Manager: Dr Catherine Colquhoun (NHS National Services Scotland)

Programme Support Officer: Philli Cottam (NHS National Services Scotland)