Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network

Innovation Dashboard – CA125

NHS Tayside Management of CA125 requesting on ICE

Initial Problem

Over requesting of CA125, especially for patients that are pre- or pero- menopausal.

Change in practise

When users select CA125 on ICE to request a CA125, a dialogue box (below) appears asking if the patient is pre- or peri- menopausal. If they select No, a CA125 is selected and the request proceeds. If they select Yes, the following screen appears asking for the LMP date and also advises that CA125 samples should not be taken during menstruation:

Impact of Change

Since the drop down asking about menopausal status was instigated, the number of CA 125 requests with no clinical details also fell from 5-10% without clinical details to under 3% a year later.

Health Board of Implementation

NHS Tayside


Judith Strachan